Blog Articles
How Craft Growers Can Improve Their Chances of Attracting the Right Investors: A Checklist to Measure Your Readiness
Raising capital for any business is never easy. Now, try raising capital for a highly regulated business that federal law currently prohibits. And, as a recently awarded licensee, you are seeking capital...
Illinois Craft Grow Licenses Awarded – Why Speed to Market is Now Critical
When Speed to Market Counts – We Deliver For Illinois Craft Grow Licensees You have finally received your Illinois craft grow license after a wait that was significantly longer than anticipated when you...
Maximize Yield for Illinois Craft Growers
What Is An Illinois Craft Grow License Recently Illinois awarded 40 additional cultivation licenses for cannabis. An Illinois craft growers license allows the holder to cultivate, dry, cure and package...
Facility Design For Cannabis
Initial Facility Design For Cannabis Is Critical When creating initial facility design for cannabis, optimization of the plant cultivation methods and operations are critical. Teams and facilities can be set...
Early-Stage Indoor Grow Facility Design
Do you feel like the cannabis grow facility design consultants you are using or engaging with may be pushing a one-size-fits-all plan as the only way to cultivate and succeed? Are they assisting you in an...
LED Grow Light Design In A Cultivation Facility
Proper LED grow light design and layout for your indoor cultivation facility will result in maximizing yields with minimum energy consumption. LEDs are chips, and like all electronic devices that use chips...
Proper Cannabis Grow Room Temperatures with LED Grow Lights
Every detail counts when you plan and design your cultivation facility. Balancing the nine cardinal parameters for cultivation becomes a must to optimize your harvests and your cultivation facility...
Grow Lights – How To Compare
In our recent article, LED Grow Light Design In A Cultivation Facility, we discussed the importance of full spectrum LED grow lights and how advances in LED technology now allow LED grow light manufacturers...
Spectrum Impacts Plant Growth
What are the best LED grow lights for growers? Before you start your search for the right light fixture, it is important to understand what plants need from the light fixture you choose. You are not lighting...